Hot Air Balloon on Maasai Mara


Ballooning over the plains of the Maasai Mara
Today was one that we'll always remember. As we arose before dawn to board a hot air balloon and floated over the Mara's plains below as the sun rises. When we landed, a special champagne breakfast was awaiting for us right there in the bush! Spectacular isn't quite strong enough a word to describe such an experience, this was a Tauck Exclusive on our Kenya safari! Back on the ground, we saw lions, banded mongooses, giraffes, and the other animals as we returned overland to the camp for lunch and an afternoon at leisure. We where greeted with two Hippos bloats right outside our tent. Later on an evening game drive, with an opportunity to use special technology (night vision glasses) to enhance what we seen on our safari experience.

We started the morning with a spectacular Hot Air Balloon ride over the plains of the "Mara"

Preparing the Balloon

Getting ready for take-off with Anne

Balloon Passengers

Ballooning with Bill and Linda

Carol bundled up

Our Balloon Pilot

The blast!!!

Balloon Shadow

Sunrise over the Mara plains

View from the Balloon

View from the Balloon

View from the Balloon

View from the Balloon

Maasai Village

Maasai Village

The balloon Pilot was very good. One of the interesting things that the pilot pointed out was that they had to be very careful NOT to land anywhere on the Maasi's land. If you did you would have to pay a "landing fee". So the pilot very skillfully landed in the national park and avoided the "landing fee". Note: While the Maasai still live in mud huts and raise cattle for a living, they have become very smart and somewhat capitalist. They have cell phones and know how market themselves and hand-made goods for sale to the tourists.

Banded Mongoose

Banded Mongoose

The tour driver was also very skilled. He drove right into the middle of a resting Buffalo heard. It was great to be able to observe the Buffalo up-close. It allowed us to see some of the new born's and how the Moms care for them.

Buffalo Mom and Calf

Middle of a Buffalo Herd

Grey Crowned Crane

Grey Crowned Crane

Giraffe Feeding

Giraffe Looking Around

Giraffe Looking Around

Giraffe Tongue (12"-18" long)

Topi Herd

Topi Watch-Out

Lion Challenger

Lion Challenger

Lion King

Lion King

Dung Beetle

Vervet Monkey

Just outside our tent was the Mara River with two Hippo Bloats living right below us.
It was great to hear them serenade us day and night. They were our 4:30 AM wake up call every morning.

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